
Midterm exams are finally over! Although I did not do a good job in most of course... I hope I could do better next time.

For the quizzes in CSC104, I still studied them by going through the exercises that instructor posted every week and I think if you totally understand every single function on the exercise, you literally can get a full mark for the quiz. For the exams, I did four or five past tests and understood every single question on it and I think my grade of CSC104 midterm is good.

I have made an “huge heart”image that I am proud of by beside many different colors of squares and then define them into different lists. Finally use “above” function to put them together like a heart.

I found that questions involve “check-expect” and “define” are a bit hard at first because you have to figure out what is the meaning of the function and then matching them. I finally understand these questions by doing a lot of similar questions on the past exams.

I did not use any aids such as go to the tutorial or the general CS Help Centre hours, but I think I will do that in the future if I meet some intimidating questions. It is a good way that helps us understanding the course material.



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